Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Pegasus Papercraft

Pegasus Papercraft
Artis:Kyoichi Shimazaki 

Pegasus is a mythical flying horse with wings on his back, and a legendary part of Greek mythology. Pegasus was the offspring of Poseidon and Medusa. After being helped by Pegasus to accomplish many noble deeds beginning with slaying the beast Chimera, the mortal Bellerophon attempted to ride on Pegasus's back into the home of the gods. This outraged Zeus, and he sent down a gadfly to sting Pegasus on the nose, causing Bellerophon to fall all the way to Earth and die. It is said that Pegasus, having realized the error of their ways, ascended to the heavens and became a constellation (The Pegasus Constellation). Pegasus was made the servant of Zeus, the king of the gods, which is considered a heraldic symbol of refinement and prestige.


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